26 things you don't know about me.

 DRESS: c/o Zaful (under $30! I am wearing a medium for length) | SHOES: Steve Madden | Earrings: Similar HERE | CLUTCH: Clare V. ($35 version HERE) | LIPS: Revlon Love Amor
I am turning 26 today and thought it would be fun to share 26 things you may not know about me! I love birthdays and love celebrating. Jason has come to know this part of me in our marriage so we went shopping in Portland today! We stayed at the Hilton in Beaverton to help celebrate. Beaverton means a couple things to me: one of my favorite date night malls (Bridgeport Village), Chik Fil A is down the road, and it's super close to Washington Square mall where my favorite Nordstrom is. Today is the most perfect of days. Thank you, Jason!
ONE: My socks NEVER match. Ever. Unless they are brand new out of the packaging! 


TWO: I am a nerd. I love anything that has to do with numbers. *cough* business major over here!
THREE: I have a major sweet tooth...GIVE ME ALL THE CANDY...especially gummy candy!
FOUR: I grew up in a small town where there is only a Safeway and a WalMart for "shopping".
FIVE: I try not to but literally live off of Coca Cola and black coffee. Anyone get me, $1 cokes at McDonald's?! Anyone?? My dad passed this trait on to me.
SIX: I am the youngest of 4 kids in 5 1/2 years total. It was a crazy circus growing up but I treasure those crazy memories and the crazy memories we still are making.
SEVEN: I've been wearing heels since 1st grade...I think that's my trick for being able to walk in them. I've literally been doing it since I was little. Maybe a time or two I have had to run in them as well!
EIGHT: I have asthma and still ran cross country in high school. Never let your physical limitations limit you.
NINE: I took piano lessons for 8 years and have sang in choir since I was old enough to. I am shy to sing solo, unlike my two beautiful sisters who took voice lessons. One of my biggest regrets, I chose not to take voice lessons.
TEN: I was NEVER a dog person until we bought Montana 2 months into our marriage. I fell in love with our 6 week old puppy (now 4 yrs!) and have been smitten ever since. I will love on your puppy if they are around me! 
ELEVEN: French fries give me life, and hips lol! I will eat all types: steak, sweet potato, McDonald's!
TWELVE: I collect cute coffee mugs much to my husbands dismay!
THIRTEEN: I never wore lipstick until 2013 and have turned into a lipstick obsessor.
FOURTEEN: My two older sisters and I shared a room from the time I was 8 years old! Built in best friends.
FIFTEEN: My first job to support my shopping habit was being a janitor at a small building at my school. 
SIXTEEN: I love the outdoors but I don't spend enough time out there with how busy life is. I grew up camping with my family and was finally able to do that this Summer, it had been at least 10 years.
SEVENTEEN: I grew up wanting to live in SoCal, since living there for 4 years I have grown to love living in Oregon so much more! SoCal, I'll come visit you.
EIGHTEEN: I make lists....lots of lists. It's how I stay motivated to clean, get things done, and stay organized.
NINETEEN: My senior year of high school and freshman year of college, I went to Italy on a missions trip.
TWENTY: I went a whole summer without makeup. My skin has never looked better than that time.
TWENTY ONE: I played Volleyball for 3 years, Tennis for 4 years, and ran Cross Country for 2 years.
TWENTY-TWO: I have always wanted blue eyes, my husband has the most beautiful blue eyes so here's to hoping our kiddos someday will too!
TWENTY-THREE: My first time flying on an airplane was my junior year of high school. I LOVE to travel now.
TWENTY FOUR: My senior year of high school I took 4 classes there and 4 classes in college.
TWENTY-FIVE: My senior project was re-doing a huge office space in my high school. My freshman year of college I was hired to re-do the on campus coffee shop that remains the same 7 years later.
TWENTY SIX: My husband and I grew up a 1/2 mile away from each other but never spent any time together until College. My dad even coached his little league baseball team coach.

That's just a little bit of me! Thank you for being such great supporters of this little dream of mine.


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