12 tips for avoiding weight gain during the Holidays

Avoiding weight gain during the Holidays is hard with sugar cookies and hot cocoa surrounding you. I have 12 tips I follow every year to avoid putting on anything extra without restricting my taste buds!


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Weight gain is such a big topic during the Winter. I struggled with an eating disorder for 8 years of my life, it wasn't until I was in recovery that I developed a skill set to allow me to enjoy the holidays without worrying about weight gain. Following these 12 steps allows me to enjoy all the deliciousness of the holidays while still maintaining my normal weight.I not only didn't gain any weight during Thanksgiving, I lost weight from following these steps. When I was struggling with my eating disorder, I would yo-yo in my weight so badly during this time. I no longer do and here is why.

12 steps for avoiding weight gain during the Holidays

  1. Portion Size: don't eat larger portions than you normally do.
  2. Sample: I like to have small bites or samples of the goodies vs. the whole thing.
  3. Eat small meals more often: This will keep your metabolism firing so when you eat those meals with more carbs then you're used to, your body is ready for it.
  4. Slowly eat: It all tastes so good, we can get ahead of ourselves. When you eat slow and let your body fill up naturally at its own pace.
  5. Leftovers: If I can't fit something on my plate for that meal, I will save it for leftovers vs. overstuffing myself to enjoy it that minute.
  6. Moderation: Everything in moderation. You love your eggnog but don't drink it every night. Savor it.
  7. Be active when possible: This can be running your stairs or going for a walk a couple times a week. Nothing major, just something small enough to keep your metabolism going.
  8. Drink Tea: I LOVE drinking tea at night vs. having something tangibly sweet like a cookie. I am loving the Tazo Dessert Delight teas because they literally taste like a dessert without any sugar.
  9. Eat those veggies: I try to do this throughout the whole year but especially during the Winter. Half your plate should be of veggies, not carbs. This will seriously help you in the long run.
  10. Get nonfat milk: Starbucks and every coffee place under the sun have their holiday drinks out. There is just something so grand about sipping on a peppermint mocha while Christmas shopping or looking at lights. Get no whip and nonfat milk in yours to cut the calories in HALF! Don't cut these holiday drinks out of your diet, just lower the unnecessary calories of them a little.
  11. Limit Soda: This one is huge for me. The holidays are always filled with going out to dinner or parties. There is always soda on hand or high sugar drinks. I like to enjoy them at these events so on a daily basis try drinking more water vs. the sugary drinks. I LOVE my sparkling flavored water as a substitute.
  12. Grace: Give yourself grace during this time of year to enjoy yourself and have fun. Stay within the bounds of moderation and enjoy all those treats with your family!

PS i'll have a tutorial up on this easy messy pony tail soon!

How will you be avoiding weight gain during the Holidays?



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